6 January 2014

Working with 'P' Sound Bin

Balance Act - Walking on the line holding a pot

Vegetable printing - Cauliflower 


5 senses - Practical learning about your taste sense 
Comb Painting Noah's Ark

Size sequencing

Learning about plants as living things 

Parts of a plant- Practical demo

Walking on the line holding a plant pot

Montessori learning of parts of a tree 

Qaida worksheets

Sr. KG learning parts of a leaf 
Planting a seed practically for playgroup students 

Watering the plants 

Different consequences of not providing one of the essentials for plants to grow 

Learning flower arrangement 

Jr. KG learning Parts of a flower

Learning counting through counters 

Playgroup punching and color sorting activity 

Vegetable printing

Extracting sweet lime juice! 

Enjoying the fruits of their hard work- quite literally! 

Fruit Market!

Nursery number and alphabet sponge painting collage 

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